Art of the steal- DJT in charge

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Totally opposite of what is actually happening. This is The Greater Israel Project in action.

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How dumb are people ?

They belive that Bin Ladin did 9/11, LH Oswald assassinated JFK & the mother of Jesus was a virgin.

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That video of trump and neten-yahoo is so utterly hypocritical, it's almost unbelievable, but I suppose it's really been made for an uneducated American public, those who watch the daily 'news' on tv and believe everything they are told, those who went for the jab in all innocence, those who believe government is there to look after America and it's peoples. So sad.

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The author doesn't really know what he's talking about, he doesn't dig very deep, takes a very superficial view of Trump's communications. It's OK, everyone will know the results in good time.

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Actually no.

Donald Trump has surrounded himself with Jews and AI... which means he follows the plan of a Jewish world Government based on AI Governence which we see implemented by DODGE and Elon Musk who build STARLINK but now through T-Mobile Staz Khimer and Ori Cohen is now under Israeli Unit 8200 control.

Elon Musk Larry Ellisson Bill Gaytes Sam Altman Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Mark Zuckerberg Ray Kurzweil Serge Brin Google Appple Amazon Meta... they are all Jews and they are all in on it.

They are all CIA founded and controlled.

As is NVIDIA who builds as we speak a gigantic AI supercomputer in Israel.

This is operation STARGATE.

Which also is Project OMEGA.

AI control over everything and everyone everywhere at all times.




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Not Jews... ZIONISTS, ZIONISTS, ZIONIST INCLUDING, oh yes! CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS, but NOT those zionists at street level who've swallowed the BS from the top, because Jews at street level, so to speak, are as ignorant as their counterparts in America England and many other nations as a result of governmental educational brainwashing, believing everything that's fed them on the idiot box!

The ZIONISTS want one world government as do many others, but there may well be a fight between different factions (one hopes and imagines) which could well lead to the demise of the whole thing, because they really are rather blind and stupid, greedy for power, afraid of not having it, sad control freaks, probably badly damaged in childhood.

That's my take on parts of current and past humanity.

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I believe there are (reciprocal) dark spiritual elements driving all of this as well. That said, the Palestinian people sacrificed as "collateral damage" over a 75 year period of intentional, deliberate and nefarious, uninvited but altogether intentional foreign occupation, land and resource seizure, genocide, human rights deprivation and torture, (repeated) betrayal under the umbrella of ethnic cleansing and cultural extermination, leaving an indigenous (surviving, but demoralized and de-humanized) people without a homeland, heritage or continuing legacy, bereft of that which was theirs, boldly and systematically appropriated, stolen, repurposed and paraded as spoils from a "war" that was a contrived and strategically imposed cover for unlawful, unethical and unconscionable expropriation by sheer force, deceit and in cold blood is truly a travesty of gargantuan proportions, made all the more heinous and despicable by the support, and co-opting of the considerable resources and strategically valuable location and the compelled exodous of those traumatized native survivors by the U.S. in concert with the nation state calling itself Israel...two nations claiming moral high ground and spiritual justification for their premeditated commission of these crimes, yet who unabashedly celebrate the prospects before them of enriching and engorging themselves further at the expense of men, women, children and an indigenous society — doing so in plain sight of the entire world, which stands shocked, amazed and in some cases, mutually giddy over this evil fait accompli as though something truly, historically celebratory has occurred...something that requires justice and vengeance, and that swiftly and without further delay.

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Why does the Don want a gentrified maKKKeover of Gaza ??

Why becaU$e hubristic Puritan Ang£o-$axon tota£itarian empire upon which the mere sun ist verboten to set was chi$€£€d into the script long before Trumpty Dumpty set up his Wa££ $tr€€t $ta££.

Don't mistake the puppet for the $tringpu££€r$.

They think they're playing the long game...but they're jU$t the new KKKiddy on the b£oc.

China was building walls against such barbarism while the Palefaces had yet to flex their forKKKed tongues.

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Trump would depopulate Gaza clean it up and hand it to Israel.

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Russell Merritt ,

Of course & it will ALL be done "legally "in the usual way according to " Israeli Law"

If the palestine people will be "tricked " into vsacating Gaza they will NEVER be allowed to return..

You see the Israeli/Christian God is organiseing the Final Crusade to bring on the RAPTURE

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There are no they religions more diametrically opposed than are Judaism and Christianity. One believes Christ was the Messiah and the other group killed him. The Jews greatest win was highjacking Christianity that have them a solid base to spread chaos from.

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The conspiracy of Zionist Jews pulling the strings of power is becoming less believable.

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Zionism is an offshoot of 16th century British Israelism, an imperial fantasy that Puritan biblical ideologues fashioned in their tribal hubris to claim-jump the moral high ground previously captured by Roman Catholic wrapping of their crusader pillage under their true deity, Mars, god of war and eponymous Mar-ket.

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You're right....just keep Gaza the way it is. Humanity benefits more that way.

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Usa takes 90% of our petrol ressource, plus now they’ll take a 100% of their petrol. So in canada we feel less ripped off. Thats good news 🤣😂😅

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Every war is always about geopolitical power including the theft of resources. With Gaza, these gas fields have been identified since 2010 as I recall. Revving up to Oct 7, Israel had already been negotiating these gas field developments as this article details. In comes Trump with his hand out for grabbing Gaza. As one article read today notes, Trump will throw his crap into the ring, create chaos and see what lands. His game is to push reality and see what counter offers come back assuming people take his push seriously. That is a big piece of his business model. The answer is to push back with a loud NO and not make any counter offers. Stop playing his game. In this sense his ability to manipulate is the essence of any intelligence that he may have.

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Let’s wait and see....

Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him REPEATEDLY- REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE!

If he acts as president of Israel.....MAGA is DOA!

Let Trump do it.....himself......we don't need to presumptuously ASSume our own predilections.

More here:

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2025/02/about-that-gaza-beach-riviera-strip.html?m=0 - as Yogi Berra said.....

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