Well said, Ireland.You have had it tough, no doubt about that, so you know from history that Gaza is a disgraceful crime.

But sadly, our recent history will not change the minds of the genocidists or their supporters. They have got away with too much already and will continue.

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Note that the Irish don't harp on about this genocide like some other communities.

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no, we have some dignity, some self respect. Notice, Neither do native americans whine about their devastating losses either, for the same reason. We love our ancestors too much to use their suffering for political gains for our own greed. we are not that ruthless.

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The American Indian Movement don't whine. They resist the colonial settler state of the US and condemn the US brutal genocidal wars against them. Many of the colonial settlers like the Brits, Ozies, Kiwis, Russians, Israelis and the US blame the natives.

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Do you mean American Indians - the only autochthonous, copper-colored, aborigines of America?

I didn't think so.

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George Bernard Shaw also documented the great famine, the great hunger, in Ireland caused by the choices of the English government. In the fourth act of the drama Man and Superman, he wrote: "My father died of hunger in Ireland in 1847, perhaps you have heard of it. Famine? No, hunger. When a country is full of food and exports it, it cannot there was famine. My father died of starvation. English rule drove me out of Ireland."

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She said 'allowed' not 'aligned'. The Great Hunger of the Black '47 was exploited by the British to depopulate the land of Erin.

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Short and clear !!

Thanks !!

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Moving forward 180 years and we have gates creating starvation around the world.

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She says 'allowed'...not 'aligned'.

Her accent sems to have confused the transcriber.

Genocide Joe is just another gombeen...taking his cut for co££aborating with the Bruti$h Vampir€'$ program of g£obal pi££age idiocy.

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as does trump.

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Trumpty Dumpty is just a random para$ite.

Grandaddy made his moolah running saloons and brothels in the Klondike gold psychosis.

Poppa made his after the war building homes for demobbed GIs on Long Island.

The Don hit Manhattan, ran into paedophile shyster lawer Roy Cohn in Club 54 who inducted him as laundry front via real estate, went bust countless times, stiffed clients and workers all round, blagged himself into a TV parody of himself (echoes of Ze£€n$KKKey in there) and then ego landed in the RapturoU$ wing of evangelical Republican knucKKK£edraggers$.

Humpty Trumpty might take us all down of his 'beeewtiful' wall when he falls back into bibi's lap.

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Which is why its do repulsive to see the cult of minions he has gathered.

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They do say 'misery loves company'...and Davos Man is a cartel of gluttonous misers.

If you haven't yet, get a copy of Peter S Goodman's book of that title (Davos Man, not g£uttonoU$ mi$€rs).

It reaches corners other economic texts $KKKip over.

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You can take it all the way back to Columbus, a mercenary slaver on the make.

Or Washington, biggest landholder. AmeriKKKa is founded on European KKKri$tian va£u€$.

Born out of genocidal settler-colonialism, fattened on slavery and Robber-Baron capita£i$m, now running on a diet of war profiteering, as ever.

Trump just revels in more shamelessly.

Its the AmeriKKKan Dream, as Carlin said, they call it that because you gotta be asleep to believe in it.

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Beautiful solidarity message.

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The so-called Great Famine was in fact a genocidal and well-planned crime of systematic food removal from Ireland to feed the wretched mill and factory slaves of 19th century Britain thus killing two birds with one stone, if you will; starving the Irish to death and enabling British peasants to be removed from the land and used in industry for the benefit of the ruling class that despised both their own poor almost as much as they despised the Papist Irish. At a time when the landless peasantry of Britain was being herded into those "dark satanic mills" of the Industrial Revolution the idea of ethnically cleansing the island nation of Ireland of excess "livestock" on Jewish owned former slave ships, while starving the remaining Irish by stealing their produce and using it to feed British mill slaves must have seemed as reasonable a solution to those ruling barbarians as the ongoing televised genocide by the despicable Khazar Zionist squatters today in apartheid, occupied Palestine.

That the ruling class, in both USA and Pirate Rock, not only applaud the genocide of the Semitic people of Palestine but actually help finance it with their own tax cattle revenue, while themselves profit from weapons sales, comes as no surprise to anyone that has studied real history and not the platitudes of the "Great Famine" foisted on generations of Irish people at home and abroad.

Chris Fogarty, a leading authority on all things "Famine" related, has documented and proven beyond a doubt the reality behind the great hunger causing potato blight myth and the "unavoidable famine" that ensued. The documents that he has unearthed, showing the quantities of food of all sorts being removed from Ireland at the height of the “famine”, prove beyond a doubt that it wasn’t potato blight that killed the Irish in their millions but indeed a well-organized crime of genocide ruthlessly carried out by the British ruling class and their henchmen and gombeen men in Ireland. It was without doubt a deliberate crime of genocidal proportions that is still being covered up to this day not only by authorities in the UK but also “historians” in Ireland.

If we can't stop the Zionazi barbarism in present day, Khazar occupied Palestine then what hope do we have of even exposing the lies behind the "Great Famine" after almost two centuries of lies and denial?


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Covid protocols is just the latest of the killing fields of the (not elite, but the bottom of the human barrel) feeders and their operations. Opium wars in China, here, medical licenses to kill all handed out and given directives since Rockefeller and others globally created the mechanisms to cull under the lie of their medical dictates and lies.

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Do think the other cares?

Who wipe the aboriginal people of the American continent with no mercy have no problem with wiping another one.

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Thank you, your message to him will fall on deaf ears, but millions of others will hear your voice. Thank you again

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no lessons were learned from this. its typical inhumanity toward others that characterizes humanity.

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Please remember the crimes said to be by the UK England British is not true. They have been occupied and controlled by a German Monarchy for Centuries. So called King Charles is German. So are the Criminal Rothschilds who occupy the UK and control the Criminal Terrorist Bank and US Federal Reserve.

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UK stands for United Kingdom...they have been occupied by Romans (governors, I believe), Normans, Dutch and German self-appointed 'royal' families.

The current heirs in waiting are serving their assigned purpose of flaunting their 'hardships' to divert from the children, women and men being destroyed in Palestine (and elsewhere) for centuries.

To quote that other assassinated defender of Palestine, Vitorrio Arrigoni, 'stay human'.

Them lazy Brits need a guillotine.

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UK means Useless Kingdom. They are not United. Scotland wants to leave, Ireland certainly wants no part of the German Monarchy, and I am Welshman, who certainly wants no part of the so called UK Monarchy and Criminal Rothschild Banking System that controls Parliament.

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Or even U$€£ess KKKingdumb.

Their 'Union' was pushed through the Dublin puppet parliament in 1800/1 (the didn't bribe the greedy p£anted £and£ords enough the first time).

We broke their rapacious 'union' over a century ago....but KKK£ingons die slowly.

We're waiting for you Welsh and Scots (and enlightened English) to form a realistic island union, hopefully affilliated to the enlightened wing of Scandanavian political thinking and other European peoples than the imperial cartel currently running BrU$$€ls under the Ang£o-$axon Nato global pi££age idiots.

We need a reformed UN. The BRICS should play their part if we survive the imp£o$ion accelerating all round.

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Enligjtened scandinavian political thinking? You must be jooking? Our criminocracy has just signed an agreement directly with the USA to give over our territory without any controle of what arms they bring and their troops are undr american jurisdiction. At least 19 american bases in sweden - huge areas in the north.

And the swedes were starved as well and went over there to grab the land from the natives, while sweden exported oats to the horses in London.

An d today obedient swedes are well injected and first in line to the 4ir. 💩

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Those elements are everywhere. I refer to the saner aspects such as the (now being eroded) strong social dimension and egalitarian tax system.

I am aware of the dangers of overstrong state management, but the alternative g£obali$€d Thatcherism of 'there is no alternative', and 'no such thing as society' has led to the current lunacy of state capture by financial sorcery via Wa££ $t and the City of £ondon and their pi££age of working peoples' taxes into offshore havens, all overseen by the Nato U$urping of UN and national autonomies. Norway is a strong supporter of Nato, but I doubt Norwegians are as enthusiastic, any more than Irish people who are well aware of our government's desire to join these mercenary war-heads.

Peter S Goodman's recent book 'Davos Man' breaks down the problem, it will require an aware and educated population with global inclusive thinking, rather than the current set of financial numerologists and their cascade of heirarchical cronies.

Late as it grows, I am hopeful that awareness is expanding as the alternative of a planetary Gaza under white supremacist jacKKKboots seems like the definition of co££€ctive lunacy.

The price of liberty will remain, as ever, eternal vigilance.

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I think you have missed the development here since the 90-ties. Swedish taxpayers are supporting most billionaires per capita in the world, next to Russia. The reputation that we are socialdemocrats are greatly exagerated. The only country in the world alowing UNLIMITED profits for private companies (read global risk investments) in education for children payed with taxmoney. And homeschooling is banned. Ericsson, the company controling the worlds digital communication are owned and controled by Wallenberg, as is SAAB and others (biggest owner in the stockmarket). Fastest growing incomegap in the world. No tax on heritage or fortunes... 🙄 And when it comes to climate scam, we invented Greta.

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As soon as you mention Hannibal directive, I know I'm wasting my time. Your antisemitic views are hardened and will not change. Look up the IHRA definition of antisemitism. In most cases, an anti-Zionist is an antisemite. You do not apply the same standard to Jews that you apply to other nations. Certainly there are far, far more deaths in Sudan and Syria than in Gaza or than in all the wars and actions that Israel has been involved in since 1948. But that doesn't matter to you. Are you aware that the Koran requires Muslims to reconquer any land that was once controlled by Muslims? See the Koran, The Cow, Sura 2, Verse 191. (Bin Laden said that that applies to Andalusia as well!) That is the reason that the Palestinians (and some other Arabs) will never be at peace with Israel, because they have a religious obligation to conquer it. They would be okay to have Jews live there in dhimmi status, as long as the land is controlled by Muslims. Sorry, we have had 2,000 years of that experience. Been there, done that. Never again!

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You're missing the irony of mentioning Syria in your list of oppressed and murdered peoples... because the zionists that are killing the Palestinians are also behind the slaughter of Syrians. VIZ: after the earthquake devastated Syria in 2023, israel went in and bombed Damascus.

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Oh, so what about the hundreds of thousands killed before 2023? Yes, of course Israel has regularly bombed Iranian shipments of weapons going through Syria to Lebanon. Where is your data to show that Israel's bombings in Damascus killed lots of civilians? Document your claims!

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Thou fool.. "Where is your data to show that Israel's bombings in Damascus killed lots of civilians?"

Israel follows and earthquake in Syria with bombs, and you need to know if anyone died.

Dont waste my time anymore. Your blindness is manifest.

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Antisemites, you would like to see the Jews wiped off the face of the earth, to have repeated Oct 7's, month after month! You have no interest in the genocide occurring in Sudan, or the hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians who have been killed. It is only when Jews are defending themselves that you have a problem. Shame!

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Yes, some antisemites would like to see Jews gone.

Most people are not antisemite, they are antiZionist. More and more of us every day, thanks to the way Israel thinks and acts.

Personally I would like to see Israel (as it exists as a political entity) dismantled and replaced with 1 state for Jews and Palestinians alike, with 1 vote per person, and no racism against non-Jews as currently exists. No wonder Israel want to commit genocide and see as many Palestinians die as possible, so they do not lose their "democratic" trump card.

And before you attempt to suggest it, I do care about Syrians and have Syrian friends. I also care about Yemeni and other oppressed people.

What is happening in Palestine now is not a "war". It is a genocide against an undefended people Israel have oppressed for decades. October 7th was not a terrorist attack. It was self-defence against the racist murdering state of Israel that killed many Palestinians over decades cheered on by th e USA, stole their land and homes, and supported settler killing and violence against innocent women and children.

As to the numbers of Israeli killed that day - some of us know the truth that many were killed by IDF under Hannibal Directive.

Many Jews care more about money than human life, and IMHO that is mostly why your people have been targeted and outcast for centuries. You need to learn how to be human like everybody else and care about life, not just wealth.

Look at the actions of Jews that lost art to the Germans in WWII and now go to court to get the paintings back. Millions lost their lives and homes and loved ones - do they go to court? No. Just Jews looking for more wealth. The Germans did not really need much of an excuse when they saw the damage done to society by the actions of Jewish people back then.

And again, before you reply, know that I have Jewish friends that are not like this. They are normal religious people and not morally corrupt.

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I pray for your hate-filled heart. May you eventually come to learn that we are all made in the image of God, are all brothers and sisters, and hate is a poison that destroys from within.

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