I feel so sorry for you Mr. Chossudovsky, that you have attracted people who seem to enjoy insulting each other and fill the comment space with useless nonsense! It shows how thoroughly humanity has swallowed the the 'Us against Them' bait, hook line and sinker.

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Big Business and Banksters financed so much of what the Nazis did during WW11 and they continue to do so.

As to Germany's dreadful behaviour, one has only to take a look at one example of their current legal system in action, as in the case of Reiner Fuelmisch (or Fu(umlout)lmisch?) who has been in prison, after being abducted in South America and flown back to Germany, for already several years on trumped up charges, because he opened his big mouth against the covid travesty and a number of other issues.

The planets systems have been hi-jacked by criminals.

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Second world between socialism and fascism but Third World War between up-to-date fascist allies and Russia China North Korea Axis

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Don't forget the zionist nazi's conducting their own holocaust on Palestinians

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When City Halls, Christian Churches and the entire Mass Media in Germany started flying huge Ukraine Flags (later added by the latest Genocide Regime ISRAEL and of course LBGT Flag) it was clear that Adolf Hitler Spirit made a huge political revival and therby destroying 75 years of reckoning and healing of Germany and it's worldwide reputation. Now Germans can try for another 100 or more years to get back to where it ended.

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Nearly all our social systems, at least in the western world have been hi-jacked by those who wish to control everything on the planet:


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I can assure you 99.99% of the people in the U.S. with Ukrainian flags hanging from their houses have not one inkling of the reality you lay bare here. They hang them right next to their "pride" flags because it's the trendy and "cool" thing to do. Suggest to them they are supporting Nazi's and they deny it and will tell you that you don't know what you're talking about. Knuckleheads.

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Sad but true!

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Never meant nothing to me to be born in Russia without any other ties. Or language.

Til after 2014,when I looked in the mirror and saw a Russian man.

Where did he come from?

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A lot here is sloppy and untrue.

Hitler, for example, was completely opposed to Ukrainian nationalism, and had Bandera sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp - the writer says "house arrest."

Further, no supposed "holocaust" ever occurred, as the jews themselves implicitly admit by citing their pre and post-war population figures; the latter

being larger than the former.

The reason why "the west" acts as it does is not because it is controlled by "Nazis", but because it is controlled by jews, who hate Russia for throwing their oligarchs out, in exactly the same way that Hitler threw them out of Germany.

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NOT JEWS!!!!!!!! Extremist who are mainly Zionists (in this case) and the ignorant Jewish people who know no better, and believe the mainstream media, which lies through its eye teeth, paid as they are by the powers that fuel discord the world over, for profit and power.

Divide and rule has worked effectively for generations, and will carry on working in the favour of those who wish to control everything, as long as we allow them to. They love us to hate each other, so lets keep Christians fighting Muslims and Muslims hating Jews. We suffer, they keep in power... Always with our collusion.

A question: How often have you heard of Christian Bankers??? There are HUNDREDS of them, but it's always the JEWISH bankers who are mentioned. And just in case you wonder what my case is... I dislike the actions of ALL big banksters!

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Yeah, jews.

Good try though.

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"It’s a proxy regime in liaison with its U.S.-NATO sponsors" Trump would never have supported this, even if he weren't able to stop it. By the way, it's Germany, again!

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Modern day Germany is the polar opposite of NS Germany.

Hitler fought against the jews; the modern iteration fellates them.

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So-called "neo-Nazi's" are hardly the problem. The inversion of WW2 history is perhaps the biggest problem with the real villains obscured. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

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Kudos Prof.

One thing I like to add... two actually.

These new Nazis origin in Germany (again) fueled by the EU which by its origin is a trading Union NOT a Government Union.

No Government has seized Authority to the EU and none can.

That is one Truth they try to hide.

Ursula von der Leyen:

She comes from 2 Jewish Slave trade Families and both the Leyens and the Albrecht Family were stern Nazis.

A Female Adolf worse than Hitler... that she is... ane like all these new Nazis Jewish in Origin.


That is proven by the fact that all of them push the Digital ID which originated in Auschwitz as IBM; Hollerith Numbers in use by the Nazis.

It is a Nazi Technology and all of them are Nazis that is why they support Nazis.

I am German... I know... and I hate Nazis... and I swore that to the death I will never allow fascism in any way or form


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Another brainwashed and indoctrinated holohoax beliver. Jews have poisoned your mind. I would encourage a search on bitchute or rumble and you’ll find the real history of what the Bolsheviks hide from you. When you can’t even present evidence to counter the official lie in Germany then you know it is nothing but propaganda. The ✡️ crowd is the head of the NWO and they hate white christians. Germany was invaded for one reason and that is Hitler kicked out the privately owned jewish central bank and began printing his own currency interest free thus turning the economy from hyperinflation to the darling of Europe.

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Wrong side of History you are...

If I am Brainwashed... you sir have no brain... you cannot be brainwashed!

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Myself and Tim actually know what’s going on. If you’d break out of that indoctrination and actually look at the true evidence you’d come to the same conclusions we did. True history is hidden from us. Bitchute and rumble is your friend. You’ll see actual research that proves the 6 mil lies. In 1989 the Jews admitted 1.5 mil fewer deaths in Auschwitz yet the Jewish math remained at 6 mil in total. I was once where your mind is and I broke out of it simply by reviewing the subjects via the alt media rather than the lies the jewish owned mainstream media tells you.

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So 4 and a half million deaths are ok? Watch what you say dear person.

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I suggest you check out the Jim Rizoli channel on bitchute. There are others as well but this was a holohoax to advance an agenda. There is lots of actual true research out there on this subject that the zio crowd hides from us because they own the lamestream media. The Jewish almanac even shows an increase in population post war compared to pre war. These were work camps with swimming pools, post offices, nurserys for children, theater stages, etc. True history is usually always a lie and the jews do this to take out their enemy Amalek.

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I don't actually care WHAT the numbers are, murder is murder and so many of my family disappeared into concentration camps in WW11, and died there. Murder.

One constantly argues politics and ethnic differences, or whatever, which is a wonderful way of turning people into adversaries at 'street level' so to speak, and so many fall for that tactic. As long as one does, the 'war' carries on. There cannot be strife and war unless WE the people, are willing to fight each other... Very profitable to the warmongers and profiteers. Us against them at street level means we never see the big picture and who are pulling the strings to keep themselves in power. So lets keep fighting and arguing... It pleases the power mongers, instead of looking for creative solutions, for co-operation, with imagining and bringing into being things that make life worth living, instead of the monstrous path we appear to be taking. The choice IS ours.

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You are two Idiots!

I am German.

Fuck Nazis.

And Fuck you calling me indoctrinated.

I am way smarter than you two idiots.

Redneck wonderland.

FYI I know all about History and the falsification of it.

That doesn't mean I chose sides... and no Idiot in this world... especially not you two can tell me anything because my research goes way deeper than you two dimwits can ever fathom.

And as a German I say to anyone who thinks Hitler was a good guy... FUCK YOU AND DIE!

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Your jewish masters thank you! Jewish central bankers are the true governments of the world. It’s why your country is now filled with illegals raping your citizens. Every single destructive thing about the west can be tied to jewish NGOs, the ADL, AIPAC, etc. Why won’t your country allow any evidence to counter the holohoax when you’re on trial? If you aren’t allowed to defend yourself then it’s simply called propaganda. Tv reason they won’t allow it as they know it’s a lie. Enjoy the destruction of your country and the entire western world as dumb asses like you won’t wake up to who their oppressor is. I suggest you read the Talmud too as the filth says it’s ok to kill Christians, goys, and even rape children.

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You are Jewish.

You are a Hasbara Troll.

You probably sit in Tel Aviv.

Jews promote Nazis... finance them even... and Hasbnara Trolls like you so they can play their victim cards.

You are a Jew.

You jews created Hitler to steal Palestine and destroy Germany.

And now you want to create WW3.

And you fear people like me who are by far more intelligent than you and live by the truth for all you are is a lie.

Jews and Nazis are the same and you are a Jewish Hasbara troll.

You can fool many people many times but you ain't fool Fritz Freud.

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Fascism was the only thing standing between the bolsheviks and their declared intent to overrun the whole of Europe; the fact half of it was saved from them is entirely attributable to the greatest man for a century - Adolf Hitler.

Benevolent fascism is a powerful force for good; this is why the west had to destroy him, to preserve their financial stranglehold on humanity.

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Oh and Hitler was a Jew... aRothschild.... eat that.

Any friend of Hitler is an enemy of mine.

About Adolf Rothschild Hiedler Schickelgruber

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild Spy


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"Hitler was a jew" is glyphosate for the goyim.

So enjoy snacking on it.

And I'm glad to be the enemy of a brainwashed goy.

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Have you been born stupid or did you educate yourself to stupidity?

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I will ask you one - are you related to the jewish Freuds?

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You may ask... but only in may you may ask... now it's July.

Death in June... in May you may ask.

Till then... Fall apart.


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Fascism and Communism are Siamese Twins.

What about Freedom?

If you don't like Freedom you ain't Human!

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One is atheist, the other Christian.

Freedom of course does not extend to allowing free rein to jewish destabilisation, once "democracy" in Germany ended, prosperity and social content exploded.

Watch Triumph of the Will next time you want a hefty dose of reality.

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By the way, "human" is legally defined as " a kind of monster," so I'll hang on to my status as a man, if I may.

You be whatever you want.

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You remind me of a character from "Fawlty Towers"...

I know nothing...


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Basil would run rings round you.

Polly too, I expect.

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The ongoing lies about germany from ww2, never end.the germans are still held up as the epitome of evil.no mention is made of the evil perpetrated by the so called allies.its all heaped on germany.that tells us whonis writing the propaganda, the disgruntled jews,who were forced to relinquish their bank law and media presence in germany.the truth needs told .not.the skewed victor written propaganda.

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“Globally, the ruling classes have no choice but to join forces and push for a world state /global dictatorship, while the rest of humanity has no choice but worldwide social revolution if it wishes to avoid permanent subjugation”. writes Hughes.

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the

War for Technocracy

Volume 1

David A. Hughes


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Thanks for the link. Seems Hughes is on point.

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Peter Thiel, Eric Prince, & others in the new Trump swamp have big eyes for Ukraine. Lots of business deals bein had behind closed doors. Palantir will play a huge role & it won’t be for our good. But hey, as long as they profit, who cares. Right? Both sides are the same. Two wings of the same bird. Two cheeks of the same ass. Etc., etc. The people continue to get played.

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Michael, you made a mistake: your initial assessment should read:

The fundamental issue, which was carefully avoided is that the dominant Nazi faction within the KREMLIN government exerts its power in the realm of intelligence, internal affairs, national security and the military.

Now, it makes sense, everything falls in place. Russia continues what had started in 1939.

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Coolguy 007: "Nothing spectacular. Ordinary baby boomer enjoying retardation."

There, fixed it for you.

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Wow!! The power of your argument is sooo overwhelming! Ad hominem attack.

Just russian practice. Thanks for fixing nothing.

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Can't fix stupid. Or retarded.

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Just boring. Zero arguments.

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says a double zero. absolutely nothing spectacular, whatsoever. Boomer soon to be worm food.

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You need deprogrammed.

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You may need some novichok. Have you tried it? If not a good russian tea will work. With Polonium.

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Ukraine simply taking the path of China; Fascist fools lost in arrogance of The Black Nobility Puppets hidden behind the U.N Uniparty Nazi's using the U.S. as its Mafia Enforcer as it once used the people of the British Isles. They are Demon Worshipers making up the Forth Reich used as a geographical hub to spread the infestation of evil from all directions until all unites...Sort of as the United States where the coasts and Chicago/Minnesota/Colorado are Fascist Totalitarians calling themselves Democrat willing to bow as slaves to evil they are ordered to manipulate in every aspect through all Institutions from each locus spreading until all is consumed.

WWII never really ended. Simply went on Hiatus to regroup and perfect the Nazi Technologies for another swing at World Domination which is another way to say, "Theft of All Creation including Humanity' as the Satanic/Luciferian always forced from it's inception. There is nothing new in this time beyond technology increasing probability of Hell's success UNLESS humanity CHOOSES to stand with Jesus Christ who has the capacity to end this threat immediately.

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Once you fully realise that "nazism" is judaism - witness the holocaust in Gaza, everything clicks into place.

They even do the medical experiments on children they blame onto the Germans.

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Judaism is NOT Nazism...Nazism is simply a novel form of FEUDAL TOTALITARIANISM which is based in Lucifer/Satan. Judaism is of God; The Old Testament.

Will NOT brook this DISTRACTION created by evil to again PERSECUTE the Jews. Really, must get a grip and end this PROPAGANDA spread by The Venetian Black Nobility hiding behind the U.N. Uniparty Nazi's now known by other names; but located in The City of London, London as symbolic of the Monarchs/Peers now represented by The House of Windsor/Guelph/Drago (The Same Family), and the Multi-National Corporations once aligned as The Dutch/British East India Trading Company and now known as The Commonwealth to legitimize them in union with the Underworld Black Market trading Illicit Drugs including Opium, Cocaine since the removal of El Chapo and Adrenochrome, Slaves for all nefarious purposes, Weapons, Rare Foods as Caviar.

STOP BLAMING JUDAISM WHEN THE FACT IS THE DEMONS CAMOUFLAGING THEMSELVES BY CLAIMING TO BE OF ALL RELIGIONS OF EARTH WHEN THEY'RE ACTUALLY OF EVIL. While there are some claiming Judaism; there are even more claiming Christianity, Muslim, Budhism, Shintoism and all other religions.

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Seriously?you are programmed.

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Seriously, you are indoctrinated into Humanism; the belief in yourself or Govt. being God which is DEMONIC.

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Says the superstitious flake.your humanism is programmed into the myth of a ho an extraterrestrial and a bad bad guy too.its truly awkward that your mind is do closed.

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Given your ability to spell and usage of grammer...It's a simple matter to ascertain you're very uninformed and not a 'truth-seeker.' That defines this a waste of time.


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ALL the fascists are involved this time.

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Factually true and fascists are in actuality Demonic; Pagan Demon Worshipers known to exist around the world in all cultures as recorded since the explorers of Europe began to navigate the world. Demon Worship recorded in The Bible is recorded to exist around the world and even ancient art found in archeology supports this fact as the art resembles the Pagan Art of more commonly known past Cults now gaining ground in the present.

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They're called Nazi's for a reason. And it's not an acronym for "National Socialists."It's because most do NotSee them until it's too late.

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More silliness.

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^Another demon soul possessed by Satan.

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Another psychopath who believes in imaginary human made garbage.you ought to hide in shame at such ignorance

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^Says Satan spawn. I consider the source.

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Do grow up and get a psychiatric evaluation.

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LOL - "not see"

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Ukraine is backed by isn'treal and the jews therein lies the problem.

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Vision is MUCH too small.

Pagan Demon Worship or Worship of Man/Earthly Govt (Totalitarianism/Nazism)is NOT a Jewish issue...As evidenced by Early Exploration of the Western Hemisphere and the whole World's cultural documentation and archeological exposures of Art and Architecture to match that of the Eastern Hemisphere and Mediterranean Region inclusive of the Mideast recorded in The Bible.

Statues and Cave Drawings of dieties appear the same as the Demons Worshiped in the same manner around the world. Many Pagan Demon Worshipers remain camouflaged by claims of being Christians, Muslims, Hinduists, Budhists, Shintoists, Native/Indigenous/Ancestor Worship. Evil always hides behind adherence of the world now defines Old Testament Morality/Judaism which is the Universal morality of all humanity woven into the very fabric of human souls through all time since sung history of Abraham and other ancient/prehistoric cultures.

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Your "vision",is opaque. Being wrapped ip in superstitious idiocy. Demons?lol humans create all sorts of myths to obfuscate their own horrid behaviors.

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The veil between this life and the next is opaque...There most certainly are demons and those worshiping them on Earth as recorded in earliest of time via prehistoric art. It is not superstition. Great Grandmother was Irish; Old School Christian/Catholic. Her husband was Old School Protestant Brit...Nobody was superstitious.

The Demonic has had a wonderful time with those as you refusing to believe in their existence as well as that of our Creator, huh?

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You are too wrapped up in myths.

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No myth about it.

To learn the truth; one must pray to ask for it and be willing to accept.

First comes accepting the Blessing of Faith before it is proven within.

Am so sorry for those as you...

Easy to know the reason the Irish are now so willing to accept

Murder of Babies in the Womb and Muslim Invasion.

Soon, you will be forced into Sharia Law and wonder what all will do then.

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Wrong wrong wrong.it is superstitious nonsense.if these creatures were real wouldn those worshipping see some benefits?lollook at you,even your clsims are superstitious. Those who told you the nonsense about not believing in their myths did so to make you gullible fools fear them to control you.by yhe way your god is man made too. Its proof of how stunted you are mentally.

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That's what's great about what The United States always was and that which it provided for the world.

WE ARE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE. Sadly, those as you will NOT know God and when you die; Jesus will not be there as advocate for you.


and it's accepted even if prayer for you is manifested daily.


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