The fact is, and this should be clear to everyone by now, that there was NEVER a so-called "virus"("viruses" and all the other so-called "pathogenic agents" do not exist and a "PCR test" is ALWAYS 100% wrong!!), and therefore no "spike-protein, no "mRNA" - and if you keep distracting people with this nonsense from the facts of what is behind all this, then catastrophe for humanity is inevitable!!








etc. etc. etc.

Best regards to you and to all here!

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They knew the lipid platform was problematic.. Still they used it and for some reason many still think it's the mRna or the spike protein, forgetting the lipids which are like aluminum in old vaccines.


But their plan didn't work out the way they expected it to!

People who still consciously don't know the shots are dangerous are intuitively avoiding it. Booster uptake is basically zero... 😂


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mRNA is not injected. No biological material has been found in the vials injected. Graphene Oxide has been found. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES

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Lies become true in the public mind after endless repetition.

Another example which has done immeasurable harm to our world: The Unholy Hoax, a.k.a. The Song that Never Ends about the Event that Never Happened.

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Devastating crisis is nonsense. One of the biggest scams and parlor tricks it most certainly was!

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I’d like a hard copy for my coffee table - discussion starter!

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Am moving to a cold red state, simply to be

able to talk to people who might be gettin it.

The cull of humanity is so blatently obvious,

I cannot endure those who will not see it.

best of luck

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Good luck on the move. I stayed and the interesting thing is that the ones who were mask fiends ended up becoming good friends. They are humbled because deep down intuition is telling them not to take the boosters. I don't bring up the shot in respect that it happened and it's over.

Humanity has just gone through a rape situation.

It'll take time for them to come to terms with it.

But they're not going to support the predator anymore.

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Yes, it is the most devastating crisis in human history. Any other way of putting it is a lie.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


The Frenzy of Fear

Has shown us one thing.

It takes the mind to fail first …

And the body will soon follow.

This is a Tough Life Lesson

For the Vaccinated.

( Don’t expect their minds to recover - in your lifetime )


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And a complete hoax that is still devastating the country

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You’re the best! Thank you!

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I wish your average chinadian would read this. Great stuff!!

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