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We were told back in March, 2020 what they had in store for us by the highly influential Council on Foreign Relations:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


And tellingly, CFR article linked to this very important research book from China. That describes "Disease Politics" as a means to fundamentally transform a country of individual rights-based nationals into authoritarian collectivists in a global community. This book may as well be a blueprint for what is descending across the western world today, in the form of pandemic protocols experienced and WHO pandemic treaties planned:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

With chapter and section titles like:

5.3 Discipline Imposed by Hygiene

9.4 “To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements”

11 The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Construction of Clean New People

17.3 From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making”

19 A Public Country and Its Expansion

20 The Logic of Disease Politics

23 A Nation-State? A Democratic State?

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

This fits into an agenda that many looking more deeply into history are able to connect the dots to. When we learn that Mao's "Disease Politics" was informed by a theory of the practice of medicine called "Medical Sociology." How to use infectious disease - the fear of - to "fundamentally transform a society:


Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":


And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:

"Association of Internes and Medical Students":

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Internes_and_Medical_Students (AIMS)

AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:


It's interesting to note that "The other side of Obama's brain" Valerie Jarrett's father was a member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:


And it's also interesting to note that the American Society of Medical Sociologists were a part of John D. Rockefeller, Jr's emerging allopathic medicine-led eugenics campaign over a century ago. This New York Times story from 1913 lists many familiar names and characters from history like FDR, Edward Bernays, the Flexner brothers, who's subsequent work in many fields, primarily medicine and Pharma, banking, propaganda, industry, clergy, politics and academia are bound together by their underlying core belief in and support of eugenics:

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913


Disease Politics. How the world is being fundamentally transformed into a collectivist totalitarian hellscape, in service to a eugenics-based master race society - that Hitler embarked on (with substantial US/UK investment and guidance). Communism and Fascism being different sides of the same centralized totalitarian coin. Just as the Council on Foreign Relations told us they had in store for us back in March, 2020. It's taking us a awhile to connect all of the dots. But we're doing it. And as the picture of the world as it truly is becomes more clear we become better able to identify its weaknesses and defeat the enemies of individual liberty, personal sovereignty, and representative governance of the people, by the people, for the people.

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" ... in service to a eugenics-based master race society - that Hitler embarked on ... "

Neither Hitler nor the National Socialists per se ever used the term "Master Race," so already, the propaganda is being spun by this person.

The German understanding was of an Aryan race with unique and positive attributes, which would develop itself alongside other races, whilst liaising with them as necessary.

As to communism and fascism being "different sides of the same centralized totalitarian coin," the writer should note that the two sides are very different; one side being avowedly atheist, and the other avowedly - in the case of Hitler - theist.

He should also note the complete difference between communist serfdom to an industrial model, and fascist liberation of the people to a society in which they could thrive through state provision of interest-free loans for the purchase of farms, their necessary equippings, and homes and cars, ( VW ) which loans would be cancelled if the couple went on to produce four children, with pro rata reductions for fewer.

Eugenics was practised; some 400,000 were sterilzed between 33 and 45, because of mental handicap or deformity or the inability to care for the products of their liaisons; and some 5000 were euthanized for similar reasons; special courts being convened to decide each case on its merits. Some 70 K were also euthanized for incurable insanity.

Whether these measures would have improved the genetics of the German population or not was never fully discovered, as the programmes ceased by war's end.

So the society could hardly be said to be "eugenics-based," although eugenics was tried out, and for fairly obvious reasons. The programmes affected about 1: 140 of the German population overall.

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Much propaganda in that response.


(Download full text PDF - free)

"There was a natural link. Economically speaking both states [Germany and the Soviet Union] were closer structurally than they were to the capitalist countries. Ribbentrop noted in particular that both countries were, in fact, hostile to "capitalistic western democracies". Germany had economic four year plans. The Soviet Union had five year plans. Both maintained direct party and state control over the economic direction of their respective states. Germany still had private enterprise but the Nazi policy of Gleichschaltung ensured the primacy of the state in economic matters." - p. 31


"Individualism seemed to be the ideology that Mussolini and fellow fascists hated the most. They repeatedly disparaged it, referring to “the evil influence of individualism… the debacle of individualism… the individualistic conception of life in which man is subject only to the rule of his animal nature… individualism led to class struggle and national wars… [by contrast] fascism is an idealistic philosophy of life… the citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti‐​social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity.”

One of the most common mental handicaps or deformities was the diagnosis of "asocial" as mental illness. Asocial pertaining to disobedience, political opponents, opposition to authority. In both Stalin's USSR and Hitler's Germany. Possible "reeducation camps" before sterilization, if incapable of reform, executed. The term "euthanized" is propaganda to make murder sound humane. Sterilization and murder of political opponents under the pretense of 'correcting' the gene pool.

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany


"The events described in this article demonstrate the power of ideas and their consequences in the real world. In Nazi Germany, harshly prejudicial ideas toward people with disabilities replaced other, less extreme ideas. Eugenics, for example, did not appear in and of itself sinister, but it was quickly co-opted for nefarious ends. The idea of eugenics was dangerous to people with disabilities because it propelled action with scant regard for decency and compassion. In the marketplace of ideas, eugenics was embraced largely because it served a wider prejudicial purpose, namely, to control and then rid Germany of people deemed different, inferior, and asocial. The minority who resisted were soon silenced in the tidal wave of a demand for conformity to a master race superior to all others."

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There was no "natural link."

German National Socialism was violently opposed to everything that the bolshevist / jewish SU stood for - specifically, as I have already noted, to its atheism and its concept of the "comintern," whereby it would extend this antichrist philosophy to the whole world, as its "five year plans" had prepared it for doing; as Stalin noted to the politburo in early 1941, the SU would now move towards an aggressive policy of conquest - which Hitler got wind of, and so launched Barbarossa.

Such agreement as there was as a result of the non aggression pact was cunningly devised by Stalin to allow Germany to invade Poland, and thus put an end to the Polish slaughter of German nationals which had been a constant feature of state policy since the post WW1 Versailles treaty gave them control of historically German territories - culminating in the Bromberg Massacre.

This invasion would, as he well understood, trigger the Anglo French declaration of war. The subsequent internecine war would so weaken the whole of the non bolshevik west that his own invasion of Europe, when it came in as he had decided, late 1941 would carry all before it.

And so with all your other claims, none of which hold water, or which are open to radically different interpretations.

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Oh. Now I get it. I'm dealing with a eugenicist. Genetics determines who's lives are worthy, who's lives aren't. Who's genes determine status. Selected, not elected leadership. A supporter of collectivist authoritarianism/totalitarianism. Someone who abhors the individual, individual sovereignty, freedom, liberty. Someone who stands for the absolute worst and cruelest impulses of mankind. Someone who sounds like they are a member of an evil cult. Or occult. Satanic. Probably a goose-stepper. Probably murmurs "Sieg Heil" in his sleep.

Someone who makes unsourced assertions as unquestionable fact. Assertions that are provably false and divorced from reality. But you say so.

Got it. I'm pretty sure other readers get it now, too.

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There is no need for me to address straw man arguments.

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Says someone with no facts. You offer nothing but your beliefs and opinions.

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Much ado about nothing.

Everything here can be challenged and refuted - including your reference to a "master race" which I already dealt with.

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My comments challenge your truth. Unto you. Not truth as I understand it. I challenge and refute your truth. You challenge and refute my truth. I dealt with your references.

I'm right. You claim you're right. I say you're wrong. You say I'm wrong. There will be no agreement when truths aren't aligned.

I characterize your truth as a belief. My truth as knowing. You provide no sources for readers to ascertain truth. I provide sources, to be evaluated by the credibility of them.

I cede no ground to your unsourced assertions.

Readers of this thread can and will decide truth for themselves. The central point of my initial comment about the intentional weapon of disease politics against domestic populations to eradicate individualism and liberty, replaced by collectivist authoritarianism/totalitarianism, Fascist or Communist varieties, remains true.

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Your second assertion revolves around the fascist revulsion with "individuality," which you take to be beneficial as a given, as you are so hopelessly brainwashed by modern political correctness - which again, is a jewish-bolshevik construct.

Let me give you an analogy.

On a stormy sea, we find a mass of harvested logs which are making their way down to a sawmill.

As individual logs, each free to move and surge in whatever way it chooses, as dictated by the vagaries of the waves, they are dangerous and unpredictable, but once tied together into a coherent mass, the dangers recede, and all the logs will arrive safely at the destination, and nobody will be crushed between them en route.

The implications of this analogy are surely obvious.

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Individuality IS a beneficial given. Only those who believe themselves superior would assert otherwise. Would that a Hitler or Rockefeller or Jeremy Farrar clamor for an orderly, bound population if they saw themselves as one to be bound as a log in order to be delivered safely to the sawmill.

We are not logs. We are human beings. All created equal. In the image of our creator, Almighty God. None greater. None lesser. God makes no mistakes in his creations. Those who eugenicists deem unworthy and needing to be cleansed are God's perfect creations. Eugenicists believe the unworthy, the "Useless Eaters" need to be culled from the gene pool, deeming them God's mistakes. Believing themselves better than God, capable of "fixing" God's mistakes. Blasphemy.

Lucifer believed himself God's equal. And for that he was kicked out of heaven. A fallen angel for daring to challenge God. That is who eugenicists are guided by. Lucifer. Evil. Pure evil. Liars and deceivers. Trying to get back at God deceiving God's perfect creations into forsaking the one true God, arming men with hubris to believe they are equals to God. God's betters. Capable of "fixing God's mistakes."

God makes no mistakes. His imperfections, his imperfect creations as we see them are perfect for God's intentions. Whoa be unto those for eternity who follow Lucifer, eternal damnation awaits them. The eugenicists in Hitler's Germany. The eugenicists in the US/UK for the past century+ who invented Darwinism and assert it as truth over God's creation. Who created Hitler and Nazi Germany. Who created Lenin/Stalin and the Soviet Union. UK/US Satanic occultists, eugenicists, who never went away. Themselves just the latest evil incarnation of other similarly wicked men of privileged bloodlines.

Who other than men who think of themselves as superior to God would offer an analogy like your logs one, as if inferior men are to be harvested, tied together, shipped and sawed to be used by other men for their own purposes. God didn't create us to become lumber for a Master Race to build mansions out of. We don't serve other men who believe themselves superior, wiser, more rational, pragmatic, etc. than other men. We serve God. And God alone. We may work collaboratively with other equal men, voluntarily. Not bound for a declared collective good that is only good for some men, rotten for others. I spit on an analogy like yours. But it is revealing as to your nature and character.

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Your remarks are like the Parson's Egg, ie "good in parts."

Your "sources" are meaningless assertions, one of which I have now addressed and undressed.

Your problem is in equating National Socialism with a jewish philosophy which you call "nazism," and which I characterize as "jewish bolshevism," whose ends in the context of "health preparedness" are indeed evil and anti human - something which National Socialism never was.

I may address these other comments of yours in due course.

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You've addressed nothing. You've said your beliefs. Which aren't a part of evidence-based reality. Quite dissociated from reality. But it must be nice in there, feet planted firmly in a construct of your own imagination. Who am I to try to evict you from the paradise you've found? Would be Hell for most everyone else. But you do you.

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UNITE WITH GOD AND HIS LIKE MINDED https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now/

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Why is it that the writers of articles like these are blind to the reality and follow the same ‘Rules’ of omission and failure to fully disclose.

Let us get the facts straight: all, and I really mean all of the Entities involved in the WHO Pandemic/Health of The Earth and People Hostile-Takeover are Foreign-Agent Privateer Vessel Corporations. Corporations that are pretending; yes pretending to be ‘Countries’ and ‘Nations’ of living people. Not one of their kind is a “Lawful” Government. In fact not one of their Kind has any lawful standing, capacity and jurisdiction on the Land and soil of any “Country”. So when writing about these matters: tell it as it is. No “Countries” have ever “Signed” any “Treaties” / “Agreements”/ “Contracts”… only State of State Entities/ Corporations pretending to be Countries and Peoples. So when writing be clear: put “Incorporated” after the Country Names/NAMES that you write about. Put “Incorporated” after UN and United Nations, and WEF, and World Economic Forum, and WHO, and World Health Organisation as each of these is a separate “Registered” “ Dead at Law” International Jurisdiction of the Sea commercial entity/ “Privateer” doing business in a State of State as a State of State. If you believe that any of their Kind has any Rights, Titles and Law over any Soul; living man and woman in their living original unique organic state body… you are absolutely indoctrinated, and clueless with it. Corporations have no Rights or “Say” over life. Mankind is not their Kind and “The Law of Kinds” is always present. Each to their own Kind.

Corporations do not “own” mankind. Corporations are Dead “Things/THINGS”, and we as the living Eternal Soul present in full life upon the Earth as mankind; are not Corporations, and are not bound by the Rules and Policies and Private Law Legal Systems that their Kind have used to further their profiteering against man, and under Commercial Colour of Law which is against The Law and therefore absolutely Forbidden.

Say it as it is:: their Kind are Foreign to mankind. Their Kind are Paperwork Fantasies pretending to have “Life”; pretending to have Rule over Life and mankind therefore…., the operative word here being: “Pretending”. The “Idiots” are believing the “Fiction” and have list their sense of “Reality”. Wake up!

There is not one Corporation on The Earth that has any ‘Natural’ Right to even be on The Earth. We man do not have to put up with their presence amongst us. We man can subrogate each and every one of their Kind and remove their Charters/CHARTERS and have their Kind Involuntarily Liquidated and have all of their Kind’s Assets seized, and all of the Privateer Officers involved arrested under Ecclesiastical Law. Their Kind are forbidden from causing mankind any Harm. All it needs is for their Kind to engage in any unlawful Act against mankind, anything at all that attacks man, causes the death of a man and any Harm to a man.

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Quite right, Ron.

However, the weakness in your argument, if there is one, comes at the end, where you refer to the supremacy of ecclesiastical law.

In bodies of people who have no belief in scripture, God, or the precepts of Natural Law, the only alternative is to be subjugated to the principle of "might is right," ie if these corporations can get away with the monumental scam they are promoting, then such individuals have no protection against them.

Since the beginning, man has always been affected by on the one hand, Lucifer, and the upside-down world he wants to create and in which he wishes to be worshipped; and the world of the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, who wishes that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Mankind has rejected Him by and large, so it must suffer the results of that choice, until all things are done and completed, "as it is written."

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Yes!!!!! Get the word out


Dr Meryl Nass.

Protest in front of UN Sunday afternoon in NY

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It's all true. And there IS a mass (needs to be "massive") movement against it. If you're reading this, please fight this sovereignty-stealing end of our Republic.

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Many of us have known this for a long time - where is the help and common sense to resist this madness? Tedros and his cronies are corrupt evil terrorists - Dr death has got Eritrean medals for bestiality to match Mengele.

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Too late. Already embedded into each states regulations here in the US. Was done on 2022.

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Here is the Solution!

Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians

Citizen House Arrest all Politicians on presumption of Treason and Corruption

And a Detailed Plan on how to proceed.

You can thank me later...


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Where the global health madness leads:

"Basically, this is setting up a system, where, if you are not certified under their global health certification network, you are effectively locked out of different areas of society, and they tested that during Covid…"

— Maria Zeee - https://rumble.com/v4vp1fi-maria-zeee-live-6pm-full-blown-tyranny-digital-id-what-it-really-means-and-.html?start=660



"The United Nations is a terror organization created by the New World Order."

— Rabbi Alon Anava - https://www.bitchute.com/video/mIsjBGddKtuP/

Like it or not, but he is right.

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Thank you Tim… I agree with what you said here. It does not matter though if their Kind believe in the God or not. The Charters/CHARTERS of all Corporations on the Earth are issued from within, and under; the Global International Jurisdiction of the Air. That makes The Pope the ultimate CEO of all Corporations and the ultimate responsible party. All of the Officers of all Corporations are his “Officers” and they and their Corporations are bound by Ecclesiastical Law as is The Pope their CEO. All who operate under a Charter are bound to conduct their business “Lawfully” at all times. There is no mention of “Legally”. Do anything unlawful, and it does not matter if you are Religious or not: The Charter/CHARTER is automatically dissolved and the Corporation ceases to be.

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The new spying system is called “mesh network” and it works via Bluetooth

The system was put online few weeks ago and it involves all android devices.

The system will work without internet connection and will be on even when the mobile devices are in airplane mode.

Here an article about it


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The "Plandemic Treaty" is a Medical IMF.

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For some reason, I am unable to get the video to play on my iPhone. 😕

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Try nudging the line under the video where the time thingy is. I have to do it with most substack videos on my iPad and it works. If not try reloading the page.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, I do not get the time thingy. I get a picture of a map or something and that’s it. I ALMOST got something today when I opened something else, but it immediately stopped and went back to the picture. It’s likely my old phone. 😕

Thanks for trying to help! I appreciate it!!

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Do you see it as a video where you have the play button? If so and you don’t see the time of the video playing then it might be your phone.

Wish I could have been more helpful.

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No. It’s just a picture.

Bitchute sometimes doesn’t work right for me.

Thanks for trying to help!

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