Do you ever feel like discussions about the End of the World have been going on forever? Well, I certainly have. I've been hearing about these fears since the late 1950s, and the threat of an atomic holocaust has been on my mind since then. Even Ronald Reagan talked about it in TV commercials during my lifetime. It makes me wonder if scaring people, like Reagan did, with the idea of doom has been effective for as long as I can remember.

However, as a practical social scientist, I understand that just talking about problems won't lead us anywhere. That's why I'm more focused on finding solutions to our current issues. Admittedly, the future of humanity can seem grim at times. Despite that, I choose to stay optimistic. I believe that by remaining positive and hopeful, we can truly make a difference in the world. While the tactic of instilling fear has been around as long as I can remember, my approach is to be an optimist in the face of the challenges that humanity still confronts.

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With thanks, I fully concur, Michel

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its not about "the end of the world" its about waking the people up about whats happening in the world and why the people need to stop it

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Yep and they know that any nuclear situation will affect the powers that be.

There's no survival by hiding underground. You come up to a planet that will have bigger issues for decades and remnants of nuke power plants that pollute the environment.

The cold war is full of stories of "close calls" that somehow didn't happen due to some magical intervention😆

It was about fear, like in 1984.

I think that the 1984 era is ending and brave new world is impossible because the predator class isn't smart enough to realize that giving people the basics will make them happy and no need for poisoning like today because if you look at Scandinavia, populations don't keep growing in that situation.

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Just to say there is a need to realize the equation China-US as being one and the same economic model is deeply mistaken: the Chinese government has controlled between 80 and 95 per cent of their credit system during the post - Mao period, while in rhe US 100 pwr cent of money comes from private lending, including the Federal Reserve. We are living a war between a private money-and-power system (the West) and a public money-and-power system (China), with the formidably-armed Russia in between. The Russian Central Bank has been considered by Glazyev as responsible for the loss of the country's international reserves at the Bank of England by confiscation (as was suffered by Venezuela et al.), and the feud persists between that Central Bank of Russia and that Putin-close economist in charge of Russia's international economic institutions and developments (see a recent interview he gave to Pepe Escobar). Bear in mind credit means money creation--if you consider the Western ownership structure of the BIS and Richard A. Werner's work, especially since 2014 (when he published his 'Can Banks individually create money out of nothing?--The theories and the empirical evidence' , much of the international difference we are all suffering becomes clarified ans understandable. The Western powers-that-be have proven unable to put China into their pockets, while at the same time they keep holding a strong position in Russian finances (as was the case under Lenin and Stalin through their agent/asset Litvinov, as revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, who warned the Rothschilds had kept control of the Central Bank of Russia after 1989). I invite both Matthew Ehret and Michel Chossudovsky to discuss this little commented-upon perspective of world events on the first opportunity. Eduardo Guzmán, a refugee in Venezuela, suffering MOSSAD persecution and daily DEW attacks as a result of having published certain elementary data on present - day world finances. egzegz3@gmail.com. 0058-412-639 29 14.

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We are the working class in the forced march of labour under global capitalism. This 200 year old sonpolitical -economy is in deep crisis due to the continuing fall in the rate of profit across the system as a whole. The US is embarked on the path of war against its competitors in order to reverse this process and regain dollar hegemony. War is endemic to capitalism and threatens a catastrophic end to human civilisation. We must destroy.capitalism!

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We are in a Bull Market. Stocks are making higher highs so US Big Money, pension funds, Hedge Funds and almost all financial speculators are doing just fine. US never cared about the rest of the World. Never will. That is just the way it is. Unless, we choose to do something rather than passively hoping that "remaining optimistic" will solve the problem of hegemonistic US Foreign policy of perpetual wars.

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