You deserve more reader comments, M.C.


Written some time ago, October 2022, with relevance to present outcomes and as forecast . . .

God Favours Russia - https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-long-proxy-war-vi-god-favours


More generally - The Decline of The West https://les7eb.substack.com

Free to subscribe.

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Cool dodge with an echo chamber. You evaded answering a questions with many more test queries. I could answer 1-,2 and say yes to 6 and 8. So you know more or different history than me. What do your questions have to do with my request for evidence to support your big generic assertion?

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The Entire Western “Garden” is under command of the ZioNaziOccupied Pentagon. The InsiderTrader TotalitarianFascist WEALTH

$$upremacy PimpedOut, not ONLY Government and democracy but HumanRights Freedoms of ALL Humanity. And they EXPECT Earth’s MAJORITY to just STFU and Take It. Because 30% will buy into the FearPorn, Chaos and Lies that are the critical foundation of their MassMurder-MassDestruction, ResourceRape GlobalDominationRegime.

ANY Vote ANY Where, for ANY ZioNaziFunded Candidate is a Vote FOR the continued Rape of Humanity by this CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED HumanSacrifice, TotalitarianFascist, ZioNaziOCCUPATION.

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Thank you Falcon 


 I knew from my old friend Paul Lee, PhD from Harvard & UC Santa Cruz herbal days who was writing a book on this subject that Japanese were negotiating in last stage negotiations, surrender to Stalin/Soviet.  Truman Administration abhorred the idea of Japan surrendering to Russia.  This article explains why; they knew what was coming.  I don’t know if he ever published it.  

He was one of three who were studying Sandoz LSD at Harvard who were fired.  The others were Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary.  I met the son of the Sandoz discoverer of LSD in Boulder at Leslie’s foster parents home.  He was Swiss font designer and they were working on the first desktop printer project.  The parallel sister project would have been the 1st PC.  Both projects, turnkey ready,  were killed by the IBM Board because’’ IBM is a mainframe company exclusively for use by our customers, University, Military and Government’’.  They could not buy into the idea of extending technology for individual use.

You and I should write autobiographies.

He also remarked and was amazed by fact that Enrico Fermi did the 1st test of fission in his laboratory with uncertainty that his experiment chain reaction, once started, could consume our Planet.

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Think You're full of sheist...ALL BEGINS IN LONDON/SWITZERLAND.

You 'Nut Jobs' in Europe were in your FOREVER WARS among all the Monarchs millennia before The Western Hemisphere was formally discovered to become an EXTENSION of the power of The Venetian Black Nobility hiding behind the people of the British Isles.

WWI and WWII were a PLAN to manipulate the Treasonous Minions in the U.S; already seduced by the Monarch's Fabians to place the U.S. into their Cartel as they viewed it necessary for WORLD DOMINANCE/COLONIZATION. NATO, the U.N, CIA...So much was developed by the British on U.S. soil since their Boer War in South Africa allowing Cecil Rhodes to create his Trust Scholar Program to further indoctrinate/brainwash Americans into the FEUDAL TOTALITARIANISM of Imperialism which is now termed by many novel 'Ism's'. Every Institution of the United States is SATURATED with Nazi Minions loyal to The Venetian Black Nobility and THAT IS WHERE THE ORDERS ORIGINATE...NOT THE PENTAGON which is now merely the MAFIA ENFORCER for the Nobility SATURATED with the old Nazi Ideology originating with the Fabians behind every 20th Century War and Totalitarian State.


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Growing in Christ

“…until we all come into…the knowledge of the Son of God, into a complete man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”

— Ephesians 4:13 🙏 --- END ALL EVILS......

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“Global NATO” is intended to be the global enforcer of the dictates spewed by the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS Technocracy that is controlled by the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy who want to impose neo-feudalism by owning all natural resources.

The Globalists have a centuries long plan to abolish the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, to abolish the US Constitution, to subordinate Americans under the dictates of the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS Technocracy, to enforce those dictates with a “Global NATO,” and to create a One-World Global Empire where all natural resources are owned by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

The DNC and RNC are both tools of the Oligarchy, along with the Intelligence Community, with specific tasks to achieve that help further the Master Plan of the Globalists while the DNC and RNC alternate between holding the reins of power. The DNC Socialist’s tasks involve instigating “The Great Collapse of Society” by implementing the Frankfurt School’s “Critical Theory” course of divide & conquer by pitting the oppressed against their oppressors. The RNC Fascist’s tasks involve implementing corporatism through public-private partnerships and the elimination of mom & pop small businesses so that the Globalist’s dictates can be flowed down through corporate bureaucracies. So to the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy it doesn’t matter who wins any elections because the winner will just continue towards accomplishing their respective tasks until the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy ultimately achieves its victory.

PS: The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s quest for a One-World Global British Empire began with the Venetian conquest of England celebrated today as the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

The UniParty of Democrats & Republicans is the modern embodiment of the Venetian Party principle:

“Play both sides, hedge, finance and win. It’s the Venetian Party principle. And it works every time.”

The Venetian Party and the Soft Coup of the Glorious Revolution of 1688

By TerraZetzz


The Venetian Takeover of England: A 200-Year Project

by Gerald Rose

What Was Venice?

The best way to understand the evil of Venice is to look at the great poets’ portrayal of the unbelievable duplicity that Venice represented: portrayals by Marlowe in The Jew of Malta, and by Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice and especially in Othello, the Moor of Venice. The quintessential Venetian is Iago. Yet the most brilliant portrait of Venetian method was done by Friedrich Schiller in his The Ghostseer.

You can never understand Venice by studying what positions the Venetians took on an issue. The Venetians did not care what position they took. They always took all positions. Their method was one of looking for the weak point and corrupting the person. At this form of evil, they were the masters. Their diplomatic corps was the best in the world at the time, and the British diplomatic corps was trained by the Venetians.


Venice’s War Against Western Civilization



RNC & DNC as Private Corporations:


Richard Poe’s Substack:


William Pritting’s Substack:


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NATO is deliberately baiting Putin to start a world war. NATO isn't about peace. Was it ever?

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I get it! Just a few months ago, I wrote letters to Mr. Poilievre and Ms. Lewis, asking unequivocally that Canada withdraw from these fateful organizations -- UN, WHO, WEF, etc.


Summary of Issues Affecting My Ph.D. Completion: Violation of Academic Freedom: These actions represent a concerted attack on academic integrity and freedom of expression; Ideological Censorship: The pervasive influence of "woke" and DEI ideologies created a hostile environment for intellectual diversity. You may find it helpful to read my complete interview:



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As Bobby Kennedy Jr noted in a recent YouTube discussion, NATO is not only an international power play, it functions as an American weapons sales consortium. Member countries commit to purchasing American made weapons and military gear.

I’d observe: NATO is something like a proxy war sales group like doctors, and the CDC are sales proxy firms for Big Pharma. Indeed, former VP Cheney acquired HHS for the business of 'Homeland Security' by putting CDC/NIH etc. under the Joint Chiefs.

Pandemic profiteering blurs the boundaries of Dual-Use Technology at the expense of human and civil rights. Unproven RNA tech was pushed by mandate under War/Emergency Measures required by supposed pandemics (Anglo-America-led extrajudicial guidelines). Countries such as Canada were obligated by its PM (Hon. S. Harper, 14-15 years ago) to buying COVID Countermeasures in the war on what former President Trump was advised to call the ‘Invisible Enemy’, i.e. patented products researched, marketed and sold for the US military. It's all Bio Security policy now. Hence, Long COVID also includes the particles injected into people to make survivors into spike protein factories.

We people, taxpayers, and citizens appear to be treated in public policy like we are mere fodder for commercial wars between oligarchs, Ukraine and recent immigrants including war refugees who were allowed into Canada as a vaccine-free population.

According to WEF plans and trained global leaders, within a few years those in advanced nations will be offered the option to play our role in a Neo-Feudalism, wherein residents including a booming number of refugees from war-torn nations we have created, will join us to be replaced by AI trained to act as dumb as we are, or in the interest of propagandists and censors. Political stripe matters little anymore. Trillionaire, mere billionaire, minion or just one of a global serfdom? It's our Canadian way until death do we part thanks to the wars into which all political party leaders bought, as if on our behalf.

Nah, my Ukrainian-Canadian MP only asks questions in Parliament about how well we have supported that war, and he never canvasses at the door or replies to letters because he's too busy hiding behind his virtue-signaling mask.

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If we think these times are bad, based on what "they" have planned for us, we face worse if something doesn't change.

And don't feel too bad. Our "representatives" here in the US of A all have their masks glued on pretty well.

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The north Atlantic terrorists only want death and destruction for others.note they absent themselves from conflict.

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Close. Since the Pentagon/the US are actually under the command of Tel Aviv/Israel/the Mossad, NATO is actually under the control of Tel Aviv/Israel.

The sooner that people realize that, the much closer we are to a potential solution. I say potential because we've already crossed the point-of-no-return.

Americans are all dealing with it now because the money's flowing and their retirements/pensions/investments/wealth/mammon are still intact. We'll see what they think when the Leviathan controls them completely.

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Where is there someone reporting in public on this general idea with verifiable observations, any documentation if not a depth of evidence?

Where there is an alignment of interests in principle, how do you confirm that the biggest military and Intel budget in the world, with global forces, is really just serving as a tool of a powerful but much smaller force and nation? If Israel is so powerful and runs Americans things through Mossad then why is it depending on the US supply of weapons to eliminate 🇵🇸people with human rights and their economy?

I am asking because on the face of your comment appears to be more like a CIA narrative to mislead people towards thinking someone else is the Wizard behind a flimsy curtain. Sure American capitalism and Imperialism ensures that the business of war happens somewhere we can say isn’t Kansas anymore. And we can all imagine Oz. But what evidence is there that the US are just flying monkeys to an Israeli Wicked Witch?

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It's funny, when I read comments like yours, I get the same notion;

"because on the face of your comment appears to be more like a CIA narrative to mislead people towards thinking someone else is the Wizard behind a flimsy curtain."

The evidence will NEVER be put out by anything even remotely Establishment in nature. You'll have to dig for it yourself. But you're deceived until you understand it, and this is merely a tip of a single iceberg.

There is no social media sized piece of evidence on this. You'll have to dig and find out how our world is actually, not fantastically, structured.

It does not appear that you understand the workings and expanse of our Central Banking System, so that's the place to start. It ALL flows from there. Control the money/finances/monetary-policies/etc., and you control the people whether en masse or the subset of politicians, etc. It's all the same.

May I ask you a few quick questions to ascertain your depth of understanding here for purposes of recommending resources to provide at least the basis for the answer to your question(s) ...

Don't look them up, just give me your answers as you now understand it.

1. Who owns the Federal Reserve?

2. Does "Building 7" mean anything to you?

3. What was the first modern act of terrorism in the Middle East?

4. Do you know what kind of US Navy ship the USS Liberty was and its history? i.e. have you heard of the USS Liberty?

5. Have you ever heard of the Lavon Affair?

6. Do you know who Edward Bernays is?

7a. What was the Jewish population in both Europe and worldwide prior to the Holocaust?

7b. What was the Jewish population in both Europe and worldwide immediately upon the conclusion of WWII?

8. Have you ever heard of Operation Mockingbird?

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I am not questioning the stance of "ESTABLISHMENT" or 'social media" which you say won't provide an answer as you say "You'll have to dig for it yourself. But you're deceived until you understand it, and this is merely a tip of a single icebergI". I hear you on that. So that's why I am asking you what informs the content of your message here? Just let me know if you're not answering and distracting with other questions because, based on your words, you are either ESTABLISHMENT, or 'social media" and just messing readers around. I recognize your questions as distracting and chaotic -- Such social behavior in media can be just FUN! So thank you for entertainment!

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You're not interested in learning anything, you think you know it all.

That's all that anyone really needs to know here.

: )

Have a good day!

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

It's people like you that if not controlled opposition, claim to be "awake" but are in fact still perfectly asleep.

And BTW, you don't know jack shit about me, so please stop with this you know it all nonsense. I was on top of Covid the day it came out, all the things I preached and got hammered for is what so many clearly see now.

You're incredibly disingenuous.

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LOL - you are putting words in my mouth, and demanding answers to a bunch of your questions even though you won’t answer my one question. How silly of me! I’d hoped you’d support your claim about Israel. And now you say you know my type, but throw out false innuendo and personalize them as if about me. You seem rather passionate about knowing me enough to put me down and tell me to get lost based on your projections at me. Take care.

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Nice try. I'm trying to work with you.

But you now come across as a Zionist antichrist supporter.

I realize now why those simple questions are "too tough for you." Whether you're a paid still or not, you serve the same purpose.

Either way, you don't want to be honest in the discussion, so there's no use continuing.

As your you were. Wallowing in your lies.

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You're lost.

Either answer the questions or GET lost.

They're simple questions. The fact that you choose not to answer them tells everyone reading this that you're controlled opposition and quite possibly paid to do so.

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NATO wurde 1949 durch die USA gegründet um Europa vom Kommunismus zu schützen. West-Europa musste nach Ende des 2. WK weiter unter Kontrolle der USA bleiben. Die NATO, die tödlichste Terrororganisation auf Erden…Wenn die NATO nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges aufgelöst worden wäre, dann würden heute Millionen von Toten noch leben. Das ist die Wahrheit.

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Yes, it's true.

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Washington treibt die Welt ins letzte Gefecht…

Die Völker dieser Welt, gemeinsam, können nicht verhindern dass Washington den finalen Atomkrieg anzettelt!!!

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What happened to Trump is not about the snipers. It's attempted murder by those who refused to protect him. Period.

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Utter nonsense. It was a staged hoax to gain sympathy for a charlatan.

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Doubt it

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Do review actual video and the total improbability of the scenario

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It's beginning to be clear that Peter Thiel will be running the White House if Trump is selected.

"As I said, Trump is nearly 80 and very much ready to depart the world stage and enjoy his retirement in peace.

Vance, however, is not even 40, and, as such, has decades of political life left in front of him.

Decades to be America's first anti-democratic dictator who removes the vote from vast swathes of society?"



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The economics/financial types I follow online have these concerns and reservations that you expressed. Imo this is just the repeat of djt and the poor picks he made the first time around. He's not stupid or naive, so the only option left is that he is a part of this game

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They've owned him for a long time

"As the video explains, in 1990 Trump was an astronomical $4 billion in debt thanks to his poor business decisions. These included an especially misguided foray into the casino business."


Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump

MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset


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Frankly I didn't know that they owned him.

Thanks for the comment and link. Will check it out!

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