He is just a demented Genocide Joe. What else can we say about him that could be positive. Sadly, not much really.

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This is excellent Professor Chossudovsky. Thank You❗️

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Khakistocracy... that is what it is.

The worst scum paid for by Jews who want the worst to rule the best.

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BS! Putin is much better and saner than Ukriden or Zelensky.

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To some degree I think that Biden's dementia could be an act to provide plausible deniability and escape prosecution for his crimes.

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Michel, I think I figured it out...

People believe that Biden is some doddering puppet 'president,' but in reality, I believe it goes far deeper... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/is-joe-biden-an-organic-robotoid?r=8ypo0

I jest, but in this world, who knows!!

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Thank you - the gaffes are truly troublesome. Frightening as a citizen to see there are no competent adults at the helm and I don’t mean Biden. Invoke the 25th amendment now and replace him with Harris- let the establlished process proceed as it is as designed to. Quit treating the DNC as a private corporation running the government, shameful and revealing for all to see the corruption and what the billionaire supporters feel they have a right to do damming the democratic process for he rest of us. We have been captured.

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Both parties are Corporations and that's a fact. There is no and absolutely never has been accountability for those in "that" level of the Ruling class. I don't care how much the Donor or Ruling class doesn't like Trump, He Is Of That Class. Not one of that class will be held accountable for their Crimes which every president is guilty of.

The presidency of nearly every Global Northern hemisphere will ever, Ever face the consequences of their crimes. Oh we see it in countries that are not in the West's club. Yes, we see Southern hemisphere presidents bright down and charged with crimes, though if the US likes them (and wants to trot them out again) they get to flee on a US provided plane.

We will never ever see the likes of Reagan, Bush, Blair, Thatcher, Cheney, Agnew, Trump, Biden, etc. be held accountable.

I really am mystified that Anyone thinks the Ruling or Donor class will get the justice they deserve. Our society must be plagued with mystical thinking. Maybe that's what cults and religions do and are meant to do to society, turn off logical thinking

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The deluded masses hoot and holler, wear their identity on their hats, go Gaga when Franklin Graham shows up with his hell and brimstone Schtick, follow old Trump off a cliff- sell out for $5 dollar donations at the behest of Don Jr in infomercials. Greet the Trump family on stage live as American royalty when they have exploited the poor and destitute to make their wealth- there is no real way to account for this deluded group other than old time religion, lack of education, continually seeking an outside force to save them and sheer propaganda over great lengths of time. An example of totalitarianism being welcomed as their savior. World inside out and upstairs de down we have been had for so long we welcome our oppressors.

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It shows he has always been corrupt & never had an idea of his own, but borrowed from others to try & sound intelligent. We so need term limits in the Whitehouse, no lobbyists, & you only come from working middle class & actually have a job that you leave for only 4 years, then go back too.

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At least Putin was re-elected to Russia's presidency instead of just continuing as Zelensky did in the Ukraine, his elected term having ended on May 21st.

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Real fun! Makes a good read.

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