Thank you for the book, very enlightening. Another one that to me is a must book is The Great Taking.

Don’t recall who the author is but if you duck duck go it, google won’t bring it up, you will find it. It’s a free download and also, like Micheals book has information that must be learned by anyone who can think critically… “Has a brain.” Thank you all, together we are a great support team.


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the instigators of the false pandemic hoax actually believe that they managed to break the spirit of the people? wait til the masses come for them with hangman's nooses.

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With my gratitude 😊🙏 and thank you for resharing your video, feels almost ghostly and immensely saddening watching it back. You knew, many knew, yet I feel the train crash is still imminent. I’ve shared, shouted and tried, I wish I knew better how to help.

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Yes... I agree... but also I don't.

There is no crisis... there are no problems... only Solutions.

What we are witnessing is simply the folding of a system designed to do so... like the Baltimore Bridge... to fold into its own footprint... like 9/11... under its own weight... at a time when they decide.

There is a push for WW3 by the Clinton / Rockefeller / Rothschild Mafia.

And these criminals want WW3 now... and all the world is a stage for them... so they stage terrorist attacks... stage crisis that are Illusions to push you and the world into WW3.

I solve the Banking problem in 2 seconds.

Rip it up.

Start from scratch.

I ow thee nothing.

Problem solved.

What is more... there is a plethora of technologies waiting to be recognized which open infinite possibilities for Humanity... my very own being on top.

We have a choice... fold like the Baltimore Bridge... or rip it up and start from scratch... and create a new golden era for Humanity like the world has never seen it before.

This is the Future I propose... the Future according to Fritz Freud.


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It's all very simple.

"The head of the snake is the money system."

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD - https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/

But beyond that there is something that most people have never heard of, namely metaphysics in the sense of Silvio Gesell.

"Our land and monetary law forms the basis of the social order. Life takes place on it. It is the carrier of the division of labor, industry, transport, trade. It shapes all social institutions, all customs and customs, and marriage , the construction of the cities, the architecture, the tenements, the national and international politics, the literature, the philosophy, the religion, the aspirations of both youth and old age, the dirty stamp of violence, of hatred Crudeness, the mendacity of the class state. Internally and externally we have become the reflection of this law."

— Opium des Volkes - https://opium-des-volkes.blogspot.com/2022/07/ganz-schwer-von-begriff.html

(Use a translator if necessary)

Unless the world wakes up very quickly and disempowers the psychopaths who are ruling the world like a monstrous cancer, humanity will cease to exist, that's as certain as the Amen in the climate church.

Some links:


It's important to understand the evil force behind all what happens in the world. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGQW3X8b8MA&t=1730

How did they come so far?

Understanding Usury: Legality and Its Implications - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI63sdwqBkY

THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4gg0al-the-architect.html

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) - Full Documentary HD - https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/

FULL INTERVIEW with ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9apDnRRSOCk

We are just one step away from extinction.

Maria Zeee & Dr Rima Laibow on Infowars - UN Blueprint For Forced Smart Cities - https://rumble.com/v4jkj50-maria-zeee-and-dr-rima-laibow-on-infowars-un-blueprint-for-forced-smart-cit.html

They are now deceiving and destroying us.

Uncensored: WHO's IHR Amendments Already in PLACE by Default - Dr. Rima Laibow - https://www.bitchute.com/video/32WbdBz5UEiB/

WHO - World Holocaust Organization (Dr. Rima Laibow)

The-W.H.O.-is-the-Singing-Pig.pdf - https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZb0wxVZd2XF4brjnyb6XBrxUL7z7Qm0XEok

Withdrawal from the United Nations (including WHO, IPCC, etc.) is more urgent than ever. These remote controlled rotten bureaucrats will literally destroy the life of the entire mankind:

UN and WHO: Allopathic Activism is Even More Dangerous than Allopathic Medicine - And That's What Almost Everyone is Doing.


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2024 International PLANdemic Treaty: the devil is in the definitions!


All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


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Michel Chossudovsky

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Thank you 😊

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The Great Bankster Debt Scam!

Where does a Nation get the money it needs to pay its bills?

Answer: It sells Treasury Bonds.

When a Nation sells Treasury Bonds the Buyer gives the Nation money and expects to get their money, plus interest, given back to them at a specified time in the future.

The Nation created the Treasury Bond “OUT OF THIN AIR!”

Today’s $34+ TRILLION DEBT is the accumulation of Treasury Bonds sold that the Nation hasn’t paid back.

The Nation will NEVER have the money to pay back the Treasury Bonds, so instead the Nation just keeps on paying back the INTEREST on all of those Treasury Bonds.

Current US Tax Revenue = $4.6 TRILLION

Current US Interest on the Debt = $4.2 TRILLION


The “GREAT LIE” that was foisted on the public is that the Nation needs to borrow other people’s money to pay its bills, and then pay them back with interest.

The “TRUTH” is that a Nation can “balance its books” simply by creating LOANS “out of thin air” that borrowers pay back, plus interest.

The other “GREAT LIE” from history is that a Nation’s wealth is measured by the quantity of precious metals (gold and silver) that it owns, and that the value of their precious metals is the collateral to backup their debt.

Alexander Hamilton dispelled this lie when our Nation was founded:

“The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”

I would re-phrase Hamilton’s quote by saying,

“The value of a sovereign Nation’s money is determined by the quantity and quality of the goods and services it produces.”

The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization is being intentionally instigated by the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy so that once their goal of “The Great Collapse of Society” is achieved then they can “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO in the shape of a Global Technocracy (Corporatist Fascism).

The source of the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s power is their financial wealth that is derived from their control over the West’s monetary systems through all of the Western Nation’s Central Banks, and their headquarters at the British-controlled BIS in Basel, Switzerland.

The only way to defeat the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy is to take away their control over the West’s Central Banks. This can be accomplished very simply through the following change:

Today, Sovereign Nations borrow other people’s money by selling them Treasury Bonds, that are created out of thin air, and then paying interest on those bonds to the buyers, who are the Central Banksters.

The solution is for Sovereign Nations to create Loans out of thin air that other people borrow from the Sovereign Nation and then pay interest on those loans back to the Sovereign Nation’s Treasury.

In today’s Western monetary system, the Central Banksters (British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy) get wealthy and powerful by keeping Sovereign Nations in perpetual debt by forcing them to pay interest on the Treasury Bonds owned by the Central Banksters.

Tomorrow’s empowered Western monetary system could result in Prosperity for the citizens of each Sovereign Nation by forcing the borrowers of Treasury Loans to pay interest on their loans back to the Treasury of the Sovereign Nation.

The Great Bankster Debt Scam!


A New Monetary System with A New National Bank


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"We have no forced slavery anymore, we have debt slavery."

Understanding Usury: Legality and Its Implications - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI63sdwqBkY

A short video that nails one gargantuan scam.

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Thank you for your generosity in offer of free e-book. Thank you.

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The Covid-19 military operation enabled the Five Eyes to inject billions of people with nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)

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