Completely concur and agree, once anybody becomes aware of the nefarious acts of the NGO’s, USAIDE (Now there is a true misnomer if ever there was one) Western Intelligence services War Crimes and breaches of Iong established under bona fide international law, convention and dik tat, albeit our international institutions ICC, ICJ, WTO, WHO and especially the U.N have all been subverted and become politicised, corrupted due the excesses, threats, intimidation and blackmailing of the officers and employees, permanent representatives of nations to the aforementioned bodies, led the CIA and their SAC/SOG paramilitaries, the U.S perennial bum chums and chaps, always right behind them in plotting, undertaking and facilitating these crimes … the U.K’s MI6, together with all other Western Intel Services, it’s not hard to realise nor understand just how out of touch, sociopathic and deeply psychopathic, the outliers that these people orchestrating and opining this nonsense truly are.

We know ex Rockefeller’s so called p.asst, confidante, or for want of better vernacular, his so called aide de camp had during the late 1950’s, early 1960’s published a paper predicate upon a handful of truly despotic people of wealth, a la Rockefeller to usurp the U.N, turning it, literally into their plaything, a vehicle that with each UNSC, legitimises the illegitimate, achieved as has been, key people, cohorts, being placed into positions of authority within said bodies.. likewise their subsequent and repeat of process, undermining the sovereignty of nation states, most especially as we have witnessed within the supposed bastion of democracy itself, the United States…

The only difference today is that so many of us have awakened, having discovered from many sources including Prof Chossudovsky’s excellent and outstanding articles, whether ex his Substack or via that most wonderful and outstanding Platform of Truth and Fact, Global Research, yes indeed, awakened many of us have become, no longer content to believe 5he nonsense, the falsehoods, the heightened anxiety levels, always centric to the rationale for conflict, war, for the incessant breaches of International Law…

No, definitely not for these tyrants and despots, compliance with international law, its conventions, institutions and norms, nope… not for those States comprising and or being in the much (vaunted International Rules Based Order) 😂😂😂😂😂😂, nope, such adherence unto, together the duty and obligation to follow said International obligations at all times is the preserve of the non collective Western nations. Not for any of them, U.S and it’s sycophantic Allies…. 😂😂😂, to ever be forced to suffer the penalty of economic blowback, sanctions etc… is the sole preserve and domain of the U.S led Western Alliance.. that is the hypocrisy the World, the remainder of the nations on the globe, not part of or allied to those nations adhering unto the ridiculous Rules Based Order hypocrisy…

But correctly you have stated the true cause of the World’s conflicts, nothing to do with Terrorism, Islam, Hindi, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism… any other god fearing group…. no, it is directly a result of their (those fomenting War and Conflict… triggered as they so obviously are, being extremely avid, nay, rabid participants in such nefarious deeds, underscoring that which is driven from nothing other than sheer, greed, avarice, haughtiness, and an outsized ego tempered the unwillingness to accept that there exists many others on the planet who might just be in a position to compel capitulation by the U.S and its support base, from being involved in circumstances well before the mainstream, namely the Global South together the Eastern Superpowers… Russia followed China…

It is I believe Russia who, just as they had WW2, will save the world from the attempts to reintroduce Fascism amongst the world’s nations, doing so believed to be the only hope of saving for them, those in the West, running the planet, who believe they can subvert by bullying, threat, intimidation, as noted individual nation states and or individuals, already being well on the way to achieving such an outcome the result of their successfully placing their people into key areas of authority e.g City and States, Attorneys General, District Attorneys, Secretaries of State, Departments Heads, Deputy Secretaries, Undersecretary’s, Judges, having achieved this outcome the result of their lobbying, manipulation of the electoral process, or just outright ensuring their “man/woman” is appointed… you know how it works, just as they’ve done with virtually every Western Global leader since 1990, what did that clown and blowhard Klaus Schwab say, after his infamous “zey vill eat ze bugs, zese eaters, own nussing and be happy, ja, ja, ja hahaha…” … “ve haf placed into ze positions of ze authorities our people, in nearly every demokracy ja, ja, just vait and ze vill see” sick evil f..k.

Anyways thankfully many of us are awake, aware, it is encumbent upon us to spread the message, to put and bring an end to this fascism and tyranny, to will Russia onto victory, to applaud Russia taking down the Western Economic system… getting us back to using real money, money as defined for millennia under the Roman Tables and Justinians Law… except a handful of tyrants, truly believed they could control the World, that all nations would kneel and bow before them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, pull the other one… you’ll hear jingle bells, never, no resist we will, shoving this in their face, whilst the World truly sees the hypocrisy, the ridiculous being played out presently…

Best to you all, fight for freedom, sovereignty, national identity, just fight… or lose it…

Kia Kaha from

New Zealand

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come out of your fantasy life into reality. there is no god.

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As usual Michel has his focus right on the facts.

In the Wikipedia article of his life it is interesting to see who and what denigrate his views and they are of the American establishment.

There has to be an explanation for the history of wars, coups etc since WW2 and America's belligerence is always behind the action.

Being Australian I could never understand why Australia was involved in Vietnam and Korea.

Time and life's experiences eventually proved Michel's exposure to be correct.

For a man who is Jewish to stand up against the Zionists that are attempting to control Humanity he speaks volumes and he has chosen the hardest road in life.

When Henry Ford was criticized for his views, he made the claim that what he was seeing fits with what was happening at the time and that is still true today.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it as the saying goes but I also add that they are doomed to be victims of it.

Keep up the good work Michel, it is much appreciated.

My daughter has finally agreed that everything I warned her about is being exposed.

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''Being Australian I could never understand why Australia was involved in Vietnam and Korea.''

Australia is part and package of empire - In the end - Zionism and Colonialism walk side by side.

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Might as well tell it like it is...

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I can think of nobody else than Prof. Chossudovsky who has reported on perpetual war perpetrated by the Neocon psychopaths / CIA, Mossad, & other intel spooks, and their handlers (the rich families and banking Cabal), all to profit the Military-Industrial Complex and depopulate the planet.

War is indeed a Racket.

Thank you for all you have reported on over the years Prof. Chossudovsky.



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Imagine all those viewed British Hero's aligned with the Imperial Feudal-Fascists who originating with The eugenicist Fabians of Oxford/Cambridge Round Tables are to be forgotten. 'The Venetian Black Nobility' is now known as The City of London's Central Banker Familes with The Crown Corporation and all know their 'Committee of 300' as those calling the shots for THE WHOLE WORLD. That includes the SELL-OUT TREASONOUS of The Five Eyes, loyal to those evil people now painted as leaders in the U.S. and The other Five Eyes as well a Israel when those Nut Jobs couldn't fight their way out of brown paper bags.

THERE HAS NEVER BEEN AN AMERICAN EMPIRE...It's always been The British Empire and Tavistock is in Sussex although there's doubtless been much instruction in the ways of Bernays for 'The Five Eyes Network'. TO THIS DAY; EVERY AGENCY OF THE U.S. IN D.C. AND NYC TAKES ORGERS FROM LONDON AND SWITZERLAND LED BY THE DEMONS HIDING IN HUMAN BEING SUITS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

About time the British people STOP allowing the cowardly Demons from hiding behind them to be used as their Mafia Enforcers...Exactly as what's now known as 'The Five Eyes' and Israel. ALL ARE USED BY THE DEMONS. All the TREASONOUS MINIONS SELLING-OUT THE 'FIVE EYE NATIONS' allow the Demons to hide behind them. They use 'The People' as their 'Mafia Enforcers' in their 'False Flag Operations' and the 'Wars for Profit and Power'; the Gladios, and GCHQ Controlled Intelligence Depts of all the 'Five Eyes' as well as Mossad and FBI.

For 122 years, The Rhodes Trust Scholar Program has indoctrinated/brainwashed 33,000 U.S. University Students into TOTALITARIANISM which is what Imperialism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Maoism and all the other 'ISM's' by whatever name are camouflaged as to be. THE CITY OF LONDON FUNDS WHAT APPEARS TO BE ALL SIDES OF ALL CONFLICTS UNTIL THE LAST 60 YEARS WHEN THEY BEGAN TO ROB THE U.S. BLIND FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL GAIN. as all those they view their Human Cattle Herd were always robbed throughout history; making them nothing except parasites.

WE notice; the real ENEMIES/CRIMINALS AGAINST HUMANITY, the Bankers and the Members of the Monarchy are suddenly now in hiding and there is NOTHING OF REALITY REPORTED. Of course, the people of the whole world KNOW...THERE IS FECES COMING. WHEN CRIMINALS USUALLY ON DISPLAY HIDE; SOMETHING MAJOR IS UPON THE WORLD.


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How did much of Europe become US vassal states?

A] Because of the second world war as if that had been the intended objective all along just look into who financed the rise of the Nazi's.

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"Whereas Russia and China have become capitalist “free market” economies".

No countries are capitalist free markets. They are all heavily regulated.

The current system is best described as Mercantilism. The system of armed busisnes men ( the trade companies ) that led to endless wars in the 16th and 17 centuries.

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no worries. the programmed sheeple still believe the nonsense that the u.s.a. is the good guy fighting the evil in the world. they are too occupied by the "woman in the red dress" of political advertising that tells them that all democraps "hate the u.s.a. " and that a life long criminal grifter will save them. instead of waking up from their matrix coma they burrow in and refuse to see reality. the doom definitely is from within with a corrupt govt that puts war and killing ahead of the welfare of its own people. the covidiocy hoax was to test the gullibility of the sheeple and they passed with flying colors. the corrupt govt has no fear of another revolution.

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deletedMay 5
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your impotent invisible god does zilch. why? because its in your imagination.

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and it is sooo convenient ...

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deletedMay 5
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the populace must come out of their cognitive dissonance and stop playing the designated games such as voting. nothing changes ,because the corrupt remain in power. the programming is so invasive that any glimmer of reality is immediately shot down. getting the sheeple to see that the corrupt govt must be removed by the people is a faint hope. they believe the advertising from a bombastic adjective laced fools speeches that he will save them.

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deletedMay 5
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That's local.to convert the country.will need much.more

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deletedMay 5
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The problem with that is the entire system is corrupt.there is no justice anywhere.the only solution is overthrow the entire federal government and start over.

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May 8·edited May 9

Where's that radiation coming from?

Presuming you're in the US - even if you're not - have a look at this - https://www.bitchute.com/video/bYVlCEyzgjGb/

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deletedMay 8·edited May 8
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Thanks for the detailed reply.

Someone forwarded the link to the video - when I read your comment I thought it was related even though this is not a topic that I know a lot about - It appears to be related so many thanks for the very informative response.

I'll explore the links.

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