The entire world military industrial complex requires each other to continue the prime protection racket of civilization as permanent generational warfare for its own profit motives. That requires war to test and calibrate new weapon systems. The tricky part is not collapsing world civilization in this age of super wmd's. The coalition of all western empires united for its gods ungodly cultural dominance is a result of other becoming capable of retaliation.
All the wasted resources on this is in a runaway process condition to maximize profits but the ability to live with this military chain reaction without going critical is dubious if people keep falling for hate based cultural values. Humans have become the endangered species.
“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…”
"The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.”
Michel in case you have to noticed we are already in WWIII.
NUKES WILL ONLY BE USED IF US PEASANTS DONT DO WHAT THE ELITES WANT..TAKE DEADLY mnra Habs for bird flu refuse to mive to 1 5vminute cities agree to use CBDCs, die or get euthanized after age 65..and eat bugs.
Fritz Freud is quite right it is the damned politicians. Decisions made by referendum would help a great deal.
Michel Chossudovsky I believe the majority are fully aware of the outcome of a nuclear war. You said "in 1945 when the US and USSR were allies". They were not allies. They had a relationship of sorts.
George Patton wanted to continue the war against Russia and was murdered for his views. You saiy "US had a plan to wipe the Soviet Union off the map". The attack on the Soviet Union would be an attack on Russian Orthodox Christians.
Cynically, we have survived Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.
Why do you leave out Fukushima [what I call, "Fu(c)k-us(-all)-hima"]? Don't you know that it is still melting down thirteen years later and pouring out lethal levels of, especially plutonium, radiation?
Just go to YouTube and look up Annie Jacobson. She has been on recently touting her latest book that addresses what it would be like in a nuclear exchange. In a word.... NUTS! There is no such thing as a limited nuclear strike - so put this notion out of our mind. Furthermore, the timeframe from launch to stone age is stunning.... 75 minutes! Of those 75 minutes, the President has like six minutes within which to make a go/no go decision. Guess what is the default decision. Once a launch has been initiated it is "good night Irene"....period. The death and destruction both initially and longer-term will be biblical. What is equally disturbing is how there are people within this administration and NATO that think such an exchange is winnable and survivable. These people are simply mad! We are probably living in the most dangerous period in the worlds history. Elections have consequences....think of this before you pull the voting lever. Pax
The Russian Duma has a similar plan for Putin to follow in attacking NATO if it insists on attacking Russia from its Ukrainian proxy. Sergey Lavrov has said so, and he says what he means and means what he says.
Allowing humans to be human threatens the further existence of life. We don't need no stinking war to doom humanity. We have the doominators...the WEF, gates, fauci and WHO.
Consciousness is seeing all to-gether. Thanks for doing this well.
Has anyone written and posted on their fridge in big bold letters…YOU BEEN DUPED!?
Now, take responsibility and begin DOING SOMETHING DIFFERNET beginning with METANOIA.
The entire world military industrial complex requires each other to continue the prime protection racket of civilization as permanent generational warfare for its own profit motives. That requires war to test and calibrate new weapon systems. The tricky part is not collapsing world civilization in this age of super wmd's. The coalition of all western empires united for its gods ungodly cultural dominance is a result of other becoming capable of retaliation.
All the wasted resources on this is in a runaway process condition to maximize profits but the ability to live with this military chain reaction without going critical is dubious if people keep falling for hate based cultural values. Humans have become the endangered species.
Hoffentlich bleib es nur beim Säbelrasseln...
Die Vernichtungsmaschinerie ist einsatzbereit, kann beim geringsten Anlass
in Gang gesetzt werden, wartet nur darauf, dass irgendein Besessener oder
Geistesgestörter den "Knopf" drückt, oder dass ein defekter Computerchip das
große Feuerwerk entfesselt. Erstaunlicher Weise macht man sich darüber
jedoch recht wenig Gedanken. Millionen von Menschen wissen, dass ihr Dasein
einer fortwährenden, unmittelbaren Bedrohung unterworfen ist, nehmen dieses
aber widerspruchslos hin. Nur wenn der zornige Protest der Menschen überall
in der Welt die Herrschenden zur Umkehr zwingt, kann die atomare Katastrophe
abgewendet werden.
It is just a new form of spam from ultimatesurvivalfoods.
Eine Gesellschaft, die sich systematisch weigert, zu erkennen, dass ihr
physisches Überleben unmittelbar in Frage steht, und die keinen Schritt zu
ihrer Rettung unternimmt, kann nicht als psychisch gesund bezeichnet werden.
“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…”
"The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.”
We must each look to ourselves first.
Michel in case you have to noticed we are already in WWIII.
NUKES WILL ONLY BE USED IF US PEASANTS DONT DO WHAT THE ELITES WANT..TAKE DEADLY mnra Habs for bird flu refuse to mive to 1 5vminute cities agree to use CBDCs, die or get euthanized after age 65..and eat bugs.
doesn't the term "MAD" tell us everything we need to know - why do ppl act like modern nukes wouldn't lead to mutually assured destruction?
Fritz Freud is quite right it is the damned politicians. Decisions made by referendum would help a great deal.
Michel Chossudovsky I believe the majority are fully aware of the outcome of a nuclear war. You said "in 1945 when the US and USSR were allies". They were not allies. They had a relationship of sorts.
George Patton wanted to continue the war against Russia and was murdered for his views. You saiy "US had a plan to wipe the Soviet Union off the map". The attack on the Soviet Union would be an attack on Russian Orthodox Christians.
Cynically, we have survived Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl.
Why do you leave out Fukushima [what I call, "Fu(c)k-us(-all)-hima"]? Don't you know that it is still melting down thirteen years later and pouring out lethal levels of, especially plutonium, radiation?
As well as Three Mile Island too for that matter.
I did not leave it out. I was on a narrow subject. The worst part of Fukushima is that it may have been sabotage.
I have often wondered if Chernobyl was also sabotage.
Just go to YouTube and look up Annie Jacobson. She has been on recently touting her latest book that addresses what it would be like in a nuclear exchange. In a word.... NUTS! There is no such thing as a limited nuclear strike - so put this notion out of our mind. Furthermore, the timeframe from launch to stone age is stunning.... 75 minutes! Of those 75 minutes, the President has like six minutes within which to make a go/no go decision. Guess what is the default decision. Once a launch has been initiated it is "good night Irene"....period. The death and destruction both initially and longer-term will be biblical. What is equally disturbing is how there are people within this administration and NATO that think such an exchange is winnable and survivable. These people are simply mad! We are probably living in the most dangerous period in the worlds history. Elections have consequences....think of this before you pull the voting lever. Pax
Why is the only thought to protect this national security with murder and destruction?humans use fear porn and threats instead of cooperation.
They've attached us to the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)
The Russian Duma has a similar plan for Putin to follow in attacking NATO if it insists on attacking Russia from its Ukrainian proxy. Sergey Lavrov has said so, and he says what he means and means what he says.
Allowing humans to be human threatens the further existence of life. We don't need no stinking war to doom humanity. We have the doominators...the WEF, gates, fauci and WHO.
All wars are staged to enhance the balance sheets of the bankers that started them.
This is just another dodgy spam from
A nation without God is doomed. Wake up America !
We wouldn't be doomed without God's having created us.